
For research use only. We do not sell to patients. Norepinephrine CAS No. : 51-41-2 Biological Activity:Norepinephrine (Levarterenol; L-Noradrenaline) is a potent adrenergic receptor (AR) agonist. Norepinephrine activates α1, α2, β1 receptors[2][3][4]. Research Area:Endocrinology|Cardiovascular Disease Targets:Adrenergic Receptor|Autophagy|Endogenous Metabolite Related Screening Libraries:Natural Product Library Plus;Drug Repurposing Compound Library Plus;FDA-Approved Drug Library Plus;Bioactive Compound Library Plus;Animal Disease […]


For research use only. We do not sell to patients. Adapalene-d3 CAS No. : 1276433-89-6 Biological Activity:Adapalene-d3 is the deuterium labeled Adapalene. Adapalene (CD271), a third-generation synthetic retinoid, is widely used for the research of acne. Adapalene is a potent RAR agonist, with AC50s of 2.3 nM, 9.3 nM, and 22 nM for RARβ, RARγ, […]


For research use only. We do not sell to patients. Acitretin-d3 Biological Activity:Acitretin-d3 (Ro 10-1670-d3) is the deuterium labeled Acitretin. Acitretin (Ro 10-1670) is a second-generation, systemic retinoid that has been used in the treatment of psoriasis. Acitretin also can be used for the research of Alzheimer’s disease[2][3]. Research Area:Inflammation/Immunology|Cancer Targets:Autophagy|RAR/RXR|Apoptosis Related Small Molecules:Physalin A;Bomedemstat […]


For research use only. We do not sell to patients. Bexarotene-d3 CAS No. : 166175-35-5 Biological Activity:Bexarotene-d3 (LGD1069-d3) is the deuterium labeled Bexarotene. Bexarotene (LGD1069) is a high-affinity and selective retinoid X receptors (RXR) agonist with EC50s of 33, 24, 25 nM for RXRα, RXRβ, and RXRγ, respectively. Bexarotene shows limited affinity for RAR receptors (EC50 >10000 nM). Bexarotene can […]

Hypocretin (70-98), human

For research use only. We do not sell to patients. Hypocretin (70-98), human CAS No. : 1129545-33-0 Biological Activity:Hypocretin (70-98), human is a polypeptide that is capable of binding to an orexin receptor OX1R and promotes apoptosis. Research Area:Cancer Targets:Orexin Receptor (OX Receptor)|Apoptosis Related Small Molecules:Physalin A;Bomedemstat ditosylate;Enpp/Carbonic anhydrase-IN-1;GK563;Calpeptin;Lobetyolin;BJE6-106;Dinaciclib;Ecteinascidin 770;MDM2-p53-IN-15;AT9283;Staurosporine;SNS-032;C188-9;ZLDI-8;Topoisomerase I/II inhibitor 3;Xevinapant;Mangiferin;Cambinol;Antioxidant agent-5;Apoptosis inducer […]

Loperamide-d6 hydrochloride

For research use only. We do not sell to patients. Loperamide-d6 hydrochloride CAS No. : 1189469-46-2 Biological Activity:Loperamide D6 hydrochloride (R-18553 D6 hydrochloride) is a deuterium labeled Loperamide hydrochloride. Loperamide hydrochloride is an opioid receptor agonist for the treatment of diarrhea. Research Area:Metabolic Disease|Neurological Disease Targets:Opioid Receptor|Autophagy Related Small Molecules:ORL1 antagonist 1;Loperamide-d6 N-Oxide;Deltorphin 2 TFA;Nalfurafine;β-Lipotropin […]


For research use only. We do not sell to patients. Acitretin CAS No. : 55079-83-9 Biological Activity:Acitretin (Ro 10-1670) is a second-generation, systemic retinoid that has been used in the treatment of psoriasis. Acitretin also can be used for the research of Alzheimer’s disease[2][3]. Research Area:Inflammation/Immunology|Cancer Targets:Autophagy|RAR/RXR|Apoptosis Related Screening Libraries:Drug Repurposing Compound Library Plus;FDA-Approved Drug […]


For research use only. We do not sell to patients. CX546 CAS No. : 215923-54-9 Biological Activity:CX546 is a first-generation and selective benzamide-type positive AMPAR modulator. CX546 is a prototypical ampakine agent and has antipsychotic effects[2]. Research Area:Neurological Disease Targets:Autophagy|iGluR Related Screening Libraries:Bioactive Compound Library Plus;Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel Compound Library;Neuronal Signaling Compound Library;Autophagy Compound Library;Neurotransmitter […]

ODN 1826

For research use only. We do not sell to patients. ODN 1826 CAS No. : 202668-42-6 Biological Activity:ODN 1826, a class B CpG ODN (oligodeoxynucleotide), is a TLR9 agonist. CpG ODN 1826 is an excellent immunostimulator that induces NO and iNOS production in the murine model. CpG ODN 1826 enhances cell apoptosis. ODN 1826 sequence: […]


For research use only. We do not sell to patients. Dinoprost-d4 CAS No. : 34210-11-2 Biological Activity:Dinoprost-d4 (Prostaglandin F2a-d4) is the deuterium labeled Dinoprost. Dinoprost (Prostaglandin F2α) is an orally active, potent prostaglandin F (PGF) receptor (FP receptor) agonist. Dinoprost is a luteolytic hormone produced locally in the endometrial luminal epithelium and corpus luteum (CL). […]